Skin Care Beauty Treatment You Should Try

As your dog ages, you want to make sure that you can keep him in the peak of health. You know that this means monitoring his diet and keeping an eye on how easily he moves and his energy levels, but did you know that you should also take a look at his eyes? Dry eye is essentially a condition where your dog's tear glands stop working properly and it is something that is fairly common among older dogs. The issue that arises is that when your dog has dry eye, he is going to prone to chronic and painful eye infections. If the irritation gets bad enough, the cornea can become severely scratched and this in turn can lead to ulceration of the wound and blindness.

This may sound too easy but it is actually one of the most effective ways I know of to ghee in your eyes minimize the severity and duration of a cold or the flu I first learned about cold colds and hot colds when I was studying Five Element Theory with a sweetheart who was attending acupuncture school.


Dry eye irritation is normally a burning or stinging sensation. The eyes could be itchy and feel scratchy when moving under the eye lids. Irritation can be started by environmental conditions such as air pollution or exposure to bad weather conditions such as winds and storms. Irritation may also be caused by some obstruction on the surface of the eye like wearing contact lenses.

While inhaling bend your head to the left shoulder, hold it there for 5 seconds, feel the stretch in the right side of the neck. With the exhale return your head back to look straight ahead.

Regular use of liquid tear eye treatments will help prevent dry, achy eyes and eye strain from hours of concentrating, reading, or just staying awake. Never forget to take liquid tears along in your purse when traveling, especially by air or automobile. The atmosphere in a jetliner cabin is always very dry, bad for eyes and skin here and hours of driving and staring at the road causes your eyes to fatigue and dry out due to lack of blinking.



Complete healing of the corneal flap may take up to 24 months. During those months healing should not be a concern and it should not cause a vision problem. Your vision will be corrected far before that, so you only concern will be to stick with you follow up visits to your Lasik surgeon.

Dry Eyes is essentially the same in dogs as it is in humans - tears are not being produced enough to hydrate the eye. It causes itchiness, burning and irritation. Your dog will commonly squint and rub at his eyes which can cause corneal ulcers. If the condition is caught early enough, you vet may be able to recommend a treatment to get the eyes to produce tears again on its own. If not, your pup may be on artificial tears for the rest of his life.

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